The Alumni Leadership Committee is a standing committee of the Board of Directors and is responsible for advising the Board on matters related to alumni relations and engagement. The Alumni Council serves to involve greater numbers of alumni and friends in transformational support of Florida Poly.
The Executive Committee is a standing committee consisting of: the Chair, Vice-Chair, the University President’s designee, the Chair of the Board of Trustee’s designee, and the chairs of other Standing Committees. The Chair, or in his or her absence the Vice-Chair, presides at meetings of the Executive Committee. The CEO also serves as a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
Foundation Board Chair: Jack Harrell, lll
Foundation Board Vice-Chair: Ana Wood-Rogers
Finance and Investment Committee Chair: Joshua McCoy
Nomination Committee Chair: Ana Wood-Rogers
Governance Committee Chair: Don Wilson
University President’s Designee: Dr. Muhammad Rashid
Board of Trustees Designee: Don Wilson
The Finance and Investment Committee is a standing committee and establishes and is responsible for the fiscal policy of the Foundation, including budgets and fees. The Finance and Investment Committee must recommend the budget for the next fiscal year to the Board at its regular meeting held prior to the end of the current fiscal year. The Finance and Investment Committee is responsible for oversight of all Foundation investments, and the acquisition, management, and disposal of all real property offered to, or held by, the Foundation.
The Governance Committee is a standing committee responsible for the policy and governance documents and process of the Foundation. The Governance Committee reviews all changes to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, policies, and procedures of the Board and makes recommendations for changes to the Board.
The Nomination Committee is a standing committee responsible for the recruiting and screening of potential Director candidates. The Nomination Committee works with the Directors, Officers, and University staff to recruit qualified candidates for membership on the Board; reviews candidates for elected Director positions and makes recommendations for membership to the Board.