
Fuel the Phoenix

Thank you for helping us propel this great university forward through its most valuable resources — our students.

The Fuel the Phoenix campaign is your opportunity to make an investment in student scholarships. The campaign underscores to the community, our industry partners and other institutions our University Family’s commitment to support our students and help them reach their full potential to realize unprecedented achievements and innovation.

Why I Give

Kris Wharton
It is a privilege to give to Florida Polytechnic University Foundation.  I give because someone-many someones-gave to me when I was a young student embarking on my college years.  Through the support of generous individuals and groups, I was able to complete my college degree.  I consider my support to the Foundation an opportunity to pay it forward to the next generation of bright and deserving students.
Kris Wharton
Assistant Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Ways To Give

Your collective support has the potential to greatly impact the students in our University,  create a healthy culture of philanthropy, and demonstrate an internal commitment to our external supporters – Giving Begins at Home!

You can give by enrolling in payroll deduction by completing the Faculty/Staff Payroll Deduction Form or through checks and online by credit card.

Please make the check payable to Florida Polytechnic University Foundation and mail to:

Florida Polytechnic University Foundation
4700 Research Way
Lakeland, FL 33805

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