students talking around campus

The Power of Giving

Giving back to education by supporting students, faculty, research, and programs makes a positive impact on the lives of others.

Annual Giving

Your Impact

Every gift, no matter the size, helps support Florida Poly's mission to serve students and industry through excellence in education, discovery, and application of engineering and applied sciences.
Student wearing technology next to teacher
When our students succeed it creates a powerful ripple effect that’s felt in families and the community. 
faculty members researching in lab

Our faculty are committed to excellence in the classroom and in their research efforts.

3 people taking a picture at an event
Florida Poly’s advances in research, innovation, and student education are bolstered by our strong relationships with industry and academic partners across the state and around the globe.
Florida Poly #ChangeMakers
Meet the individuals who have played a role in establishing Florida Poly as a national leader in STEM education. Check out the Florida Poly #ChangeMaker story gallery.


Melissa Seixas
“Supporting educational and workforce development initiatives like this one at Florida Poly is an integral mission of the Duke Energy Foundation."
Melissa Seixas
Duke Energy Florida state president
Duke Energy Grant funds Portion of New Cyber-physical Systems Lab

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